Om oss
Merket JOYevent er resultaten av mange års virksomhet i turist- og eventmarkedet. JOYevent eies av bedriften JOYtrip som fungerer siden året 2006. Vårt lag består av folk med spesialistisk utdanning og flere års erfaring i MICE-bransjen og organisering av allment forstått turisme. Vår bedrift ble skapt og utviklet ved bruk av mange kilder – europeiske fond som ble oppnådde takket være vunne konkurranser om den beste bussinessplanen og sammenslåing med bedriften Ideatour Germanus.

JOYevent står bak hundrevis av vellykkete turer og fester, men det er ikke alt. Vi satser også mye på regelmessige møter med våre forretningspartnere. I løpet av mange årene har vi trukket slutninger, noe som førte oss i dag til å kunne nå godt erklærte forretningsmål. Vi skaper nye turistvarer og orienteringsprogrammer basert på det fine som Trippelbyen kan tilby. Det er imidlertid ikke bare Pommern område som star i vårt tilbud, men også turer gjennom hele landet. Vi når med noen av tilbudene våre så langt som fjerne deler av Europa og til og med eksotiske land i hele verden.

Hos JOYevent setter vi pris på å kunne ta handling på en fleksibel måte. Våre tilbud er berømt for å være alltid riktig tilpassete til kundens individuelle forventninger, forslag og budsjett. De er tilpassede både arrangementet og deltakernes temperament.

Vår bedrift består av fire selvstendige avdelinger og fire forskjellige merker, og deres funksjoner er lette å forstå:
– JOYevent.pl – organisering av orienteringsfester for forretninger (DMC) og profesjonell konferansearrangør (PCO);
– JOYtrip.pl – organisering av skoleturer og aktiv turisme både for utlendinger som kommer til Polen og polakker som drar til utlandet;
– JOYstag.pl – organisering av aktiv og festlig tid for turister som kommer til helg;
– IDEAtour.pl – kulturreiser og ¨incentive¨ til eksotiske steder i verden.

– mars 2010 – andre pris i konkurransen om Den Beste Turistvaren i Gdansk for en pedagogisk tur ¨Små oppdagere av de store Gdanskborgerne¨,
– februar 2009 – første pris i konkurransen om Den Beste Turistvaren i Gdansk. Vi fikk prisen for vårt byspill ¨Ravs herrer¨,
– oktober 2008 – utmerkelsespris i kategorien ¨Den Beste Arrangementsfirma og Program¨ på rankingslista ¨10 BESTE – TOP TI¨ – av den ellevte utgaven av Katalogen av Konferanseservice og Konferansesteder ¨Konferanser i Polen¨.
– 2008 – første pris i prestisjekonkurransen ¨Leder i Gdansk Enterprenørskap¨ i kategorien: mikrobedrift. Konkurransen arrangeres av ordføreren i Gdansk og prisen var blant annet en statuett av ¨Gdansk Kogge¨.


Here are our profiles:


Chief manager and creator of the JOYevent brand. He graduated from the Tourism and Hotel Industry faculty of the Univeristy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk. During his studies he spent one semester in Hochschule in Bremen, Germany. He has a precious skill of building lasting relations with customers, subcontractors, and colleagues. He is not afraid of crisis situations as he has an almost innate ability to solve problems. He gained his rich experience in organising trips during many years of cooperation with Ideatour Germanus and he also mastered event management skills at the same time.

He is an experienced tour guide, massage therapist, and a yacht helmsman. In private life he is an amateur traveller and photographer and a keen yachtsman.




He joined JOYevent in 2013 and became its inseparable element straightaway. His adventure with the event industry started already during his studies and he devoted himself to it totally. He is the co-creator of many programmes. His permanent smile and energy make impossible things become possible. He knows what to do, how to do it and why – he coordinates, entertains, and if necessary he manages: work, fleet, objects, time, and warehouse. He follows the rule ‘everything can be done’, so there are not many things that can surprise him.

In private life he is a great fan of football who loves reading about the history of Poland. He uses his energy at the trainings of the Gdańsk football club SKS Polonia Gdańsk, whose captain he is as a matter of fact.





For a long time, she was the only woman in the team of Joyevent who skilfully lowered high testosterone condensation. She is a graduate of the Journalism and Public Relations faculty of the University of Gdańsk. At work she likes to deal with several issues at a time, there are no hopeless projects for her. She is considered to be conscientious and meticulous – there’s nothing that will go unnoticed in her presence. She believes that success is the result of engagement, development, and honesty. When needed, she transforms into a copywriter and tries to turn some thoughts into words.

She is a fan of reportage, which she loves greatly. She adores discussions on it and making others love it too. She is keen on puzzles and atmospheric bookstores.




He has been in the Joyevent team since mid-2016 and he won the favour and sympathy of the partners, colleagues, and clients instantly. He is a graduate of the Tourism and Hotel Industry faculty of the University of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk. He gained experience in event organisation in several prestigious hotels in Tricity and finally joined the light side of the Force. He is an actor by avocation (he even played in a TV series) and a talented cook. He compares his work in event industry to kitchen work. In his opinion in both cases the skills and people whom you serve matter.

He is a member of cabaret improvisation group ‘Im prościej’, which took his heart and soul. You can see it perform on many stages in Tricity.





The good soul of our office, its protector and guardian angel. Upon her wish piles of unidentified documents are arranged in alphabetical order. She is meticulous, values honesty and is sensitive to details. She is irreplaceable in paper work. She does not fear new challenges such as for example different tours for which she is responsible. She has travel programmes at her fingernails. She can plan sightseeing and entertainment for any age group. She is in love with Gdańsk and tracks down the city’s history and mysteries with passion. She wins the sympathy of the entire group straightaway as a licenced Tricity guide.

In private life she is primarily a proud mom of three sons. She is a loving, warm, and empathetic person devoted to social work.





A natural born master of logistics and logic. He has been connected with Joyevent for many years – his presence at an event is a guarantee of success. He can prepare an event even in the dark! He never says ‘it cannot be done’. He is responsible for the technical side of our events the most often as it has no mysteries for him. He is a real handyman. He will find a solution of every technical problem. At the same time he is resistant to time pressure and work overload. A multitasker. He manages a food place with really good results.

He is engaged in social work, empathetic and responsible.






Manager of the IDEAtour department. The oldest worker of our agency, both in age and seniority. He is a graduate of the German Department of the University of Gdańsk (who went on a scholarship to the University of Bremen). He seems to have achieved everything in the tourist industry as he has been part of it since 1996. He is an incoming tour operator, a tour guide, the author of several dozen tourist programmes and an interpreter. He makes good use of his knowledge and experience and likes being in the swim at the same time.

After work, he enjoys active travelling, discovering other cultures, mountain hiking and kayaking trips. In his free time he relaxes while reading about sociology and art history.




Gdansk er veldig berømt og egentlig trenger ikke å presenteres. Det er en perle blant polske byer siden mange århundre. Byen har imidlertid alltid understreket sin egenart og derfor ble den så lenge kalt for ¨den frie byen¨. Sin aller eldste delene var vitne til Middelalderen og krigen mot Den tyske orden. Byen var medlem i Hansaforbundet og på sluttet av det XVI og begynnelsen av det XVII århundre var den også en av de rikeste byene i Europa. Den tiltrekket mange utlendinger fra Nederland, Tyskland og Skottland, hvem sin påvirkning på byen er synlig i områdets kunst og arkitektur.
Den mest bekjente gata heter Długa (på norsk: Langgate) og den var en gang et sted der konger pleide å tre når de akkurat kom på besøk til Pommern. Det er på denne gata, der byens viktigste severdighetene finnes. Det et er også her, i Gdansk, hvor Den andre verdenskrig begynte. Her, på 1980-tallet, oppsto Solidaritet fagforbund, med sin leder Lech Wałęsa, som knuste kommunisme som de første i Sentral- og Øst-Europa.
Men nå til dags er historie bare historie og vi må se videre frem. Nå er Gdansk en moderne by som blir gjerne besøkt av turister fra Polen og fra hele verden. Man kan kjøpe nesten alt her, og de mest berømte firmaene strever for å få seg plass i denne vidunderlige byen. Gdansk har fortjent sitt rykte takket være i en stor del den gylne skatten, rav. Smykker lagt av den steinen er unik og den kan ikke finnes i så fine former i andre steder enn Gdansk. Dessuten er byen levende og full av liv og fester. Man kan finne her massevis restauranter, puber, diskoteker. Byen er kultur- og morosenter for hele området. En av de største attraksjonene er Jarmark Św. Dominika (no: St. Dominikus messe) hvor det kommer selgere fra hele landet for å presentere sine varer, slik som det har vært helt siden Middelalderen. Det drar mange kunstnere til Gdansk som har som formål å komme til å bli kjent i opera- eller teaterverden. Det kommer også tilhengere av moderne kunst.
Til slutt må understrekes at Gdansk er først og fremst en havneby og som andre havnebyer har den alltid vært åpen til verden og folk, slike som du, for eksempel.

Sopot er en by som ble utnevnt til den polske byen der folk har høyeste levestandard. Og grunnen er lett å forstå. Det er nærmest til strand, nærmest til skog, nærmest til barer beliggende i Monte Cassino gate (det viser statistikk). Sopot har den lengste molo lagt av tre i Europa (med over 500 m!) og i nærheten av den, om sommeren, befinner seg alle kulturelle, underholdnings- og idrettsarrangementer (vanligvis vannidrett). Villaene i art nouveau, fra gamle dager, bekrefter at Sopot har alltid vært et spa og badested (selv om offisielt er det siden XVIII-tallet), som tiltrekket turister. I dag kan man finne et stort utvalg i SPA-tjenester og en Aqua Park.

Siden mange tiår, ved månedsskiftet august-september finnes det sted Sopot Festival, en internasjonal musikkfestival. Det organiseres i Opera Leśna (no: skogopera) som befinner seg midt i skogen, noe som gir festivalen en unik stemning.

Sopot er en by som aldri sovner. Nattliv er dens største fordelen. Hver kan finne her et sted som tilsvarer sin smak.

Gdynia har fått bystatus for knapt 90 år siden, men man kan allerede merke hvor stor og levende den er blitt. Siden den tiden Gdynia dukket opp på landets kart, har den vært et av økonomiske sentre i Polen, i en stor del på grunn av havnen. Man trengte ikke å vente i lang tid for videre utvikling og i dag er Gdynia en av de mest blomstrende byene i landet. Slik at det pleier å være med havnebyer, kan man komme her over flere yachter og skip ankommende lystbåthavnen.
Handel i Gdynia utvikler seg raskt, byen forandrer seg og viser seg stadig mer moderne. Blant de største attraksjonene befinnes det Skwer Kościuszki (Kosciuszkotorget) og boulevard ved kysten. Det er borgeres yndlingssted å spasere, få litt frisk luft og lytte til når det plasker i bølger. Man kan også besøke de to mest representative fartøyene – „Dar Pomorza” (no: „Pommern gave”) og krigsskip „Błyskawica” (no: „Lynet”). På enden av Kosciuszkotorget finnes det et akwarium der man kan se Østersjøens fauna og flora.

Om sommeren organiseres det på strender i Gdynia teaterfestival „Letnia scena Teatru” (no: „Sommer teaterscene”). Man kan se forskjellige stykker med sjøen i bakgrunnen og skuespillere som interpreterer stykker idet de trår i sand. Det er sikkert en scenografi man ikke ser i mange teatre.

Vannidrett, volleyball, folk brune av sol, alt sammen skaper Gdynia om sommeren. Men året rundt kan man ha det gøy på mange restauranter, puber og diskoteker beliggende i mesteparten i nærheten av Świętojańska gate. Det er byens hovedhandelsgata der man kan kjøpe forskjellige ting.

The travelling agency JOYTRIP.PL is the only tourist organizer in Gdańsk and the entire Trójmiasto, which has such a broad tourist offer that makes use of local attractions of Pomorze… We gathered several activities which separately or in combinations are used in various types of tourist events.

Below is a presentation of the services which we offer you as a tour operator:

Corporate events or integration events for companies… The integration programme is targeted at your company and adapted to your individual needs and requirements… An event of this kind is supposed to strengthen the interpersonal bonds, create mutual understanding in activities. The participants are often assigned tasks the realization of which entails breaking interpersonal barriers and, in consequence, the employees can come to a better understanding and better knowledge of their own actions… A vital element of our events is entertainment and originality… The events in focus are of two different types: the evening entertainment Programmes and the day outdoor programmes… So to better achieve our goal, we often base our programmes on interesting, often irrational scenarios.

Conferences and congresses – or professional meetings and seminars

As both, the local PCO and the DMC, we deal with complex management of conferences and congresses, mainly within the area of Pomorze and Trójmiasto. Our agency is the member of the Gdańsk Tourist Organization (Gdańska Organizacja Turystyczna, GOT) and Gdańsk Convention Bureau (GCB)… Having plenty of experience we will select a suitable object for your conference, fix accommodation for its participants and we will take care of all technical background and the entire logistics… And all this will be done in a complex and professional manner.
City Breaks & Stag Weekends – the historic city of Gdansk is located close to the sea and hills and has a vibrant nightlife. Our wide range of activities and Tri-city’s unique location guarantee an unforgettable experience for groups from all over the world. They can choose from water, air and extreme sports along with an amazing night life, clubbing and crazy parties until the crack of dawn. We organize sightseeing tours, unforgettable bike tours or SPA treatment. They can choose one of our package deals or create their own. Our qualified guides will take care that everything goes smoothly and safely and make every stay a one to remember for a long time.

Bikes, or bike tours, sightseeing tours by bike, rent a bike service

We run the only professional rent-a-bike service in Gdański and the entire Trójmiasto. We hire high class trekking bikes sized 26’’ and 28’’. We have women’s and men’s bikes in different sizes. We also have at our disposal the only seven-person integration bike in Poland.

We have prepared our authorial bike routes from Gdynia to Gdańsk, through Sopot and also through Kasszuby and Trójmiejski Park Krajobrazowy.

Transport rental services – buses, vans, limousines and chauffeured cars for each occasion.

Due to our experience and a large number of tourist events we have managed, we have developed preferential agreements with transport companies offering high class tourist coaches, buses/minibuses, vans/minivans. We also have chauffeured cars and limousines. The chauffeurs whom we employ to service our customers are courteous to clients and possess professional experience… We also help to optimize the routes, which contributes to the reduction of transport costs.

Tourism guidance – professional Polish speaking and English speaking staff

We ourselves are qualified tourist guides with fairly substantial professional experience, which makes it possible for us to select proper staff to run our tourist events. We are friends with a number of tried and trustworthy tourist city guides from Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot, Warsaw, Cracow, etc and regional guides from Pomorze and Mazury and also mountain guides… Our staff speak foreign languages and some of our guides and tourist pilots are experts in chosen topics concerning the history of a given town or region. The mediation of our travel agency in arrangement of pilots and guides guarantees high quality of the ordered services.

Booking plane tickets, or cheap flying.

Our travel agency is in possession of an internet tool, which makes it possible to search and compare and then book a plane ticket. Our airline consolidator can search tickets for low cost and for traditional airlines… An advantage of our offer is that the connections can be sorted according to a given airline – air carrier, length of flight, number of connections or the price. We offer plane tickets from any airport in the world for very competitive prices which are often lower than the prices offered directly by the air careers.

Tourist insurance or safe travels

We sell insurance policies useful for various types of journey. A tourist insurance policy often means a small expense which protects tourists during any frequently costly random events.

–  In the year 2008, the main prize in the micro-companies prestige competition “The Leader of the Gdańsk Enterprise” (organized by the President of Gdańsk) was a statuette of the Gdańsk Cog, an occasional diploma, notebook (founded by SEVENET), a payment card loaded with 4,000 PLN (Polish zloty) and, what is most important, a promotional share of our company. It provides recognition of activities in the sphere of original new concepts of tourist products and of our contribution to the promotion of Gdańsk. What stimulated the particular interest of the jury of the competition was the way of promotion of our products and the application of new technologies in the running of our company.
–  In October 2008 our company was distinguished in the ranking list of “10 BEST TOP – TEN” of the eleventh edition of the Catalogue of Conference Buildings and Conference Services “Conferences in Poland” www.meetingspoland.pl 2009 in the category “Event-related Companies and Programmes.”
–  In February 2009 our travel agency JOYTRIP.PL won the main prize in the contest for the best tourist product of Gdańsk. The contest was organized by the Gdańsk Tourist Organization. The prize was 20,000 PLN (Polish Zlotys) designated for the implementation of our idea. The awarded product was the city game “The Lord of the Amber”







