
BEDRIFTSEVENTS / hendelser Friluftsliv

Movie adventure

… “boredom, like in a Polish movie, nothing happens”– it is a familiar quotation from a movie, whose message has no right to exist in the films which we are going to shoot. Why? – It’s simple!

The script is written by you, you are the actors, you are searching for the movie set and, what is most important – you are the directors! And we trust that your imagination has no limits and your creativity will make it possible to produce something really original.

Our instructors, professional filmmakers, are responsible for the coordination and the technical parts – handling of the camera, light control, sound amplification and, of course, the movie montage. Throughout the entire “action movie” our filmmakers can help you with good advice concerning proper positioning of the actors, selection of the location, costumes or the elements of layout.

The less ingenious participants will be helped and properly directed by the organizers.

During an integration corporate event of this kind we divide the group into 10- person film crews. The entire programme is divided into two parts. The first one is the most creative and it includes such activities as coming up with a movie script, creating the props and preparing the movie set. The next part is the photo session, at which the ideas of the previous part are actualised.

This type of integration event stimulates emotions and makes it necessary to cooperate. This is the very essence of the team building and, simultaneously, we have here integration which is fun and which results in making a concrete thing – a film!

At the evening party the films that have already been edited will be presented to the large public – the entire group.

You are sure to have loads of fun!

As a proof and a souvenir of the event each group will be given their own movie on DVD.



  • The work of the filmmakers (photo session, film editing)
  • renting the relevant equipment (cameras, lights, sound amplification, computers with software) and making available
  • props
  • the DVD copies
  • logistics and organization of the event
  • transport of the organizers and of the equipment within the area of Trójmiasto


The price fluctuates as it depends on the topic of the movie and the number of necessary props per group.

The price does not include the transport and the accommodation of the crew and the participants of the event. The crew can arrive in the morning with the participants and leave in the evening of the same day – extra transport for the crew is requested.
